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Wednesday, March 10, 2004


Why Shrub likes the Gropennator Gov

found on google, via several places this tidbit

David Letterman runs a clip of George W. Bush doing something very disturbing that they should show to everyone. During a commercial break Bush uses a woman's dress to clean his glasses (October 19th, 2000).

Vinnie Favale from CBS called in and [said] that the George W. Bush clip on Letterman was real. He said that he used the woman's sweater to clean his glasses. Vinnie works for Letterman so he would know if it's real or not...he thinks that Bush must have forgotten that there was an audience there or something. Vinnie said even if he was joking around it was still disturbing.

sort of blurry, but can still make out ole Shrub being a putz.

Now playing: Pale Blue Eyes, from the album The Velvet Underground by Velvet Underground (released 1969)


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