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Tuesday, May 04, 2004


from the Department of "Really, who gives a shit

Bush Tour Bus Made in Canada (AP)
AP - President Bush rode across Ohio on Tuesday in a bus emblazoned, "Yes, America can." It turns out the bus was made in Canada. [Yahoo Oddly enough]

The front of the bus bore another label: Prevost Car, jointly owned by the Swedish Volvo Bus Corp. and Britain's Henly's Group PLC. Prevost's manufacturing facility is in St. Claire, Quebec.

Foreign-made vehicles are a touchy topic in the job-strapped industrial Midwest — states like Michigan and Ohio, which Bush has been touring for two days.

"Seeing the president drive around in this Canadian-made luxury bus is just another reminder of George Bush's failed economic policies and underscores that it's time for a change," said Phil Singer, a spokesman for Democrat John Kerry

There are actual issues one could dispute with the Resident-select, but come on. This is more of a tempest in a Blue-Bird.


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