Various bits of flotsam that washed up on our computers, before we moved to a better blog system in November 2004. Now a repository for YouTube videos and testing new tools. Go to for more recent content.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


I don't know how long this has been there, but apparently I contributed to Tidbits few years ago, and got my name in the big lights.

TidBITS Contributors:
"TidBITS has supported the Macintosh Internet community for over ten years with weekly publication of award-winning news, reviews, analysis, and opinion, along with in-depth technology explorations and practical how-to articles. "

Of course, it links to my old earthlink page, which is so dormant, that it consists of moldy electrons.

I noticed by looking at my web traffic referrer report.

I'm glad that tidbits is still around, though for whatever reason, tidbits is not such a compelling read anymore.


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