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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

87 attacks

Daily War news (which, truth be told, I cannot read every day, even though I link through to it: just too disturbing to read of every death in Iraq) catches an important fact:

Today in Iraq:
"87 attacks every day.

“An American military official said Monday that American soldiers and their allies were attacked an average of 87 times each day in August, the highest such figure since American and British forces deposed Saddam Hussein and his government 17 months ago.” That's a higher rate of combat than during the April uprising when attacks averaged about 50 per day. To my mind, this is a clear indication that US forces are rapidly heading for a major disaster in Iraq, yet the NYT buries that fact in this story about a new interrogation policy."

" An American military official said Monday that American soldiers and their allies were attacked an average of 87 times each day in August, the highest such figure since American and British forces deposed Saddam Hussein and his government 17 months ago."

yes, about to turn the corner any second now.....


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