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Saturday, September 04, 2004

Molly Ivins on RNC

Ms. Ivins, articulate as always, has this to say of the RNC... - Creators Syndicate:
"The party platform, written in large part by Phyllis Schafly and her Eagle Forum, condemns stem cell research, women’s right to decide whether to bear a child under any circumstances and gay people. Just as a historical curiosity, I present the fact that at the Republican Convention in New Orleans in 1988, Mrs. Schafly gave a party with the theme “Let the Good Times Roll,” thus proving the enduring role of irony at political conventions.

The real theme of the convention is “George Bush Makes Us Safer,” as dubious a proposition as Madonna’s virginity. Tom Ridge is not only not speaking in primetime, he’s not addressing this convention at all -- he’s a non-person. In the current issue of Mother Jones magazine is a must-read by Matthew Brzezinski called "Red Alert." The “pull quote” is: “It was billed as America’s frontline defense against terrorism. But badly underfunded, crippled by special interests and ignored by the White House, the Department of Homeland Security has been relegated to bureaucratic obscurity.”

Brzezinski reports, “... the administration’s misplaced priorities --- particularly its obsession with Iraq --- have come at the expense of homeland security.” What a mess. What a waste of money. What colossal ineptitude. It’s so dispiriting to read about it, one can’t even work up a Henry Higgins-like: “Safer? Ha!”

yes, Homeland Security as the centerpiece of why GWB should win his first term in office. Pretty weak reason.


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