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Thursday, March 17, 2005

token Irish acknowledgement

As someone with plenty of Irish DNA intermingled in my slipstream, and plenty of Planxty tunes memorized, it is my solemn duty to explain why I've imbibed several fluid ounces of Jameson's today, with Guinness chasers. Maybe not.

Suffice it to say that vomiting on public streets is not really an Irish tradition worth emulating, nor is public pugilism honoring the great pagan St. Patrick. Those who choose to besmirch Ireland and Irishness by embarrassing themselves should not be allowed to stand for the whole of our sphere; Joyce, Yeats, Pogues, et al. If my meanings are not clear, blame that shamrock jammed in your ear.

Now, pour me another.

shameless commercialism of great Irish music, well played



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