Various bits of flotsam that washed up on our computers, before we moved to a better blog system in November 2004. Now a repository for YouTube videos and testing new tools. Go to for more recent content.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Some recent snaps

More tests of my new camera and Photoshop CS3.

Click to embiggen, natch.

Satanic Gift

Satanic Gift
lens-shake turned out ok, sorta.

Down the Street tooned-up

Down the Street tooned-up
my 'hood, Photoshopped to within an inch of recognition

Cops on Bikes

Cops on Bikes
I didn't know cell phone usage was acceptable on a bike.

One Thousand Stories Sin City version

One Thousand Stories Sin City

Sculpture of Light and Shadow

Sculpture of Light and Shadow
I'm sure the piece has a better name, but I don't know what it is. The owner (of a photography studio on W. Randolph whose name I've forgotten) told me the sculptor's name, but my iPod headphones blocked it out.

I'd like to see what happens on a sunny day - does light become refracted through these lenses?

Feel a Song Arriving

Feel a Song Arriving
N. Morgan, perhaps? Not quite sunset, but approaching soon.

Night Grooves

Night Grooves
or something. In an abandoned partially built structure.

a quickr pickr post

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