
Browsing around at the vegan-hating Adam Kotsko blog, I came across this gem:

The Hate List:
The Story of the Hate List

In a time now shrowded in mystery, Andy Kelts sat down in front of a computer with a group of friends and generated a list full of pet peeves and other objects of hatred. This list was 200 items long. Andy welcomed contributions from his friends and acquaintances, and the list eventually grew to close to 1000 items (It might have reached that goal many times over if not for the pruning that occassionally occurred.) There were many enthusiastic haters, but none quite so enthusiastic as me, and so when Andy felt the need to pass the burden of the Hate List on to someone else, he knew where to turn. The Hate List has been mine for over five years now, and as many of you know, it has been the main gimmick of my web page, which would otherwise be very wordy and dull. There came a time when the list became too long and I decided it would be best to seperate each person's list and basically to keep things short. This resulted in lists that were sometimes left online for a grand total of a week, and I perceived that public interest in the hate list had waned, or at least interest in participating. So on November 27, 2000, I decided to return it to the original Kelts model, and I have included a few classic entries from times past. And so in the words of every band teacher in history who has just delivered an awkwardly long and rambling speech on the significance of the upcoming song, "We hope you enjoy...."

I have a few contributions for this list, but then I hate lists, and hate compiling lists even more....

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