Artest and LA Gear
Peter Vescey notes
The reality is, [Ron] Artest [Indiana Pacers] already is a better person than many of us, exceedingly generous with his time, concern and money with family, friends and especially kids. He may not always be manageable, responsible or coherent, but he's always looking after their best interests and is unswervingly loyal to those who've helped him.When Artest negotiated a shoe deal last summer with LA Gear, one of his principal priorities was to take care of his high school teams with equipment. Shortly after the brawl the company voided his contract.
Naturally, LaSalle's kids got stiffed in the process — without so much as a warning, or a regret, or a reply to a inquiry from the school's head coach just as their season was about to get underway.
Did LA Gear rupture its commitment to the kids? Under the circumstances, I suppose not. The deal, however, was in place for months, so weren't they owed a little something?
Was LA Gear obligated to come across with sneakers and uniforms? No, I guess not, not legally, anyway; but how about ethically? It wouldn't have broken the company, I suspect, to fork over the goods.
Here's a company that immediately invalidated an agreement with a player based on high moral grounds yet didn't have the decency to do what's right by a bunch of kids. LA Gear wanted to protect its "good name" by separating itself from Artest. In my book, the exact opposite happened.
Memo to LA Gear: Artest's actions will cost him roughly $5.4 million this season, give or take a deal with a discourteous shoe company. Nonetheless, his two college and one high school scholarships for LaSalle students were not withdrawn.
and the
key to Ben Gordon's winning shot
:The secret to Ben Gordon's huge game, which included the game-winning shot? "I went home [Sunday] night and had some curry goat and rice and peas," said Gordon, who grew up in nearby Mt. Vernon, N.Y. "It's Caribbean food."
and in San Antonio:
"Bruce Bowen deserved a thank-you from the media Monday after he killed a wasp on the scorer's table. Bowen was on the way to check into the game in the second quarter when he noticed the wasp buzzing near Spurs TV analyst Sean Elliott. Bowen grabbed Elliott's media guide and flattened the insect with one swing."