The NYTimes takes our advice, ahem, and reinstates Frank Rich to the Op-Ed page. No word on where MoDo will go, or if she will remain. Probably will remain, as the Op-Ed is expanding.
'N.Y. Times' Returns Frank Rich to an Op-Ed Slot: In a surprise announcement, The New York Times said today that Frank Rich, associate editor and Sunday Arts & Leisure columnist, will be returning to the op-ed pages as a columnist on April 10.
“We're thrilled to welcome back Frank, whose distinct writing style and broad range of experience as a theater critic and observer of art, entertainment and politics, will be a great asset to the expanded Sunday Op-Ed,” said Gail Collins, editorial page editor, in a statement. “Our new, two-page Op-Ed section in the Sunday paper will give our readers what they have been requesting: more opinion pieces.”
..The Times will expand its Sunday op-ed section to two pages beginning April 10.
Hat tip to Talk Left
Tags: Current Affairs