The brain-dead chump who happens to be governor of Illinois has struck again, refusing to treat 18-21 year olds as adults when it comes to tattoos. I really don't get the point of legislating such matters - I don't want the government to be involved in these sorts of decisions, ever. Are there not more pressing issues than whether 18 year old navy ensigns can get a freakin' anchor tattoo? I can't believe I voted for this chump when he ran (successfully) for U.S. Congress.
The governor we like to call G-Nad has done it again, this time paternalistically vetoing legislation that would have allowed 18-21 year olds to get permanent tattoos.Our reporter Brendan McCarthy pretty much made the argument why this is silly in the lead of his news story on the veto:
At age 20, you can buy cigarettes, enlist in the military, purchase a home, carry a firearm and run for political office. You can't, however, get a permanent tattoo in Illinois.The story went on to serve up this jaw-dropping passage of Blago-think:
(Gov. Rod) Blagojevich said most 18-year-olds do not have the proper judgment to make such a permanent decision when it comes to tattoos. “As a parent, I don't want my daughters to rush to get tattoos on their 18th birthdays,” Blagojevich said in a released statement. “At that age, most kids are still in high school and don't have the judgment or perspective to decide on something as permanent as tattooing your skin. Teenagers may not realize getting a tattoo is a decision they'll live with, and potentially regret, for the rest of their lives.”
Read more, including some good comments, at Zorn's new online zine location, called, for lack of any creative impulse, Eric Zorn's Notebook.