Another American Hero

Well, almost. At least somebody with the self-confidence to speak truth to power, or whatever that cliche is...

In the past two weeks, Dr. Ben Marble of Gulfport, Mississippi, lost his house, saw his wife give birth by flashlight and became an instant celebrity for telling Vice President Dick Cheney to go fuck himself.

“I tell you it was a good feeling at the time. It did feel really good. Wasn't quite as good as having sex or something, but it was good,” Marble said of the Sept. 8 event, captured live on CNN.

Seconds later, however, he noticed this “panic-stricken look on the Secret Service guys' faces, like they were about to tackle me or I didn't know what.” Marble walked briskly from the scene, leaving his friend Jay, who'd captured the whole thing on video camera. Marble told the man who'd just patted him down to “have a nice day” before heading home. He was later detained by two men in fatigues, questioned and released....

Marble, an emergency room doctor and indie rock musician who looks as though he were torn from the pages of Spin, said he doesn't consider his actions heroic.

By Tuesday, Marble had received $900 in donations via his PayPal account. He's done multiple radio interviews, spoken to Hustler and received invitations to appear on Bill Maher's and Howard Stern's shows.

Marble, who's been treating numerous hurricane-related ailments at the hospital he works for, stresses that he's not a charity case. But he's not turning down fans who want to purchase a piece of history from him.

“If they were amused by what happened and think this is a good thing and want to help me rebuild what I've lost, then feel free to buy it,” he said.

Wired News: FU, Cheney: See Movie, Buy Shirt


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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on September 15, 2005 11:51 AM.

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