
Moto menu

Moto Fish boxes
A slice of sea bass was contained in this heated (NASA) plastic, along with a tomatillo-based sauce. Cooked while we ate some other courses. The paprika gave off a delectable aroma. Review of our meal (D's birthday celebration - I had the wine pairing, which means 18 glasses of wine, yikes, still recovering) forthcoming, but here's a snippet about Moto

Moto and the devouring of money

Moto and the devouring of money2
Your humble narrator chows down on the patent-pending edible dollar, which tasted like a Chicago Char-dog.

bamboo and shallowness of my memory
Moto wall. bamboo and shallowness of my memory

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on November 6, 2005 3:57 AM.

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