All About Ice: Can't Live With It, Can't Live Without It - New York Times
Similarly, one approaches Mariana Gosnell's 560-page “Ice” with the queasy feeling that this book, subtitled “The Nature, the History and the Uses of an Astonishing Substance,” is less about reading than karmic retribution, perhaps for never having listened in eighth-grade science class. Yet this astonishingly boring-sounding book turns out instead to be an astonishment: an engaging, literate, mischievously written and only occasionally maddening voyage, far beyond everything most readers might possibly have wanted to know about hard water
Sounds interesting. I would hazard a guess that this sentence
Encyclopedic as it is, some may want to read “Ice” like an encyclopedia, using the index to guide them to the good parts.
means the reviewer didn't finish the book in time for deadline.
Tags: Books