I've been engrossed in Gus Russo's book about the Chicago mob, The Outfit
![The Outfit (Gus Russo)](http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1582342792.01._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg)
“The Outfit” (Gus Russo)
Written in journalistic fashion (copious amounts of research, broadly described events, but no flights of purple prose), the book repeatedly sketches how upperworld corruption was an essential part of The Outfit's business operation. Bold face names like
Tom Pendergast and his protege,
Harry Truman, guys like Richard Nixon, Joe (and Jack) Kennedy, various Chicago mayors (Daley the elder,
Cermak, etc.), movie moguls like
Louis B. Mayer and
Harry Cohn, and so on all pop up as equal partners in various criminal schemes.
Surprisingly though, was a minor tidbit about Harry Reid while Gaming Commisioner in Nevada (pgs 347-349 in the paperback edition). Apparently, in the late 1950's, after Nevada had been turned from a sleepy, two-bit cowboy town into a Rat Pack mecca by ambitious gangsters, the Mormon power-brokers decided that Italians were not to be welcomed anymore. Hence, in 1959 the Gaming Control Act which encouraged licensing to 'savory characters' only. However, in the first year of the act, licenses were approved for several convicted WASP bookies, gamblers, tax cheats, bribers, and murderers (such as Charles “Babe” Baron, twice arrested for murder). Italians need not apply - even squeaky clean ones like the gourmet chef, Joseph Pignatello.
Soon the Board instituted
the infamous Black Book, which listed “unsavory characters” who not only could never be licensed, but were barred for life from setting foot in a Las Vegas casino. The introductory remarks noted that the list had been devised so that certain individuals “not discredit the gaming industry”. Discredit gambling? This is the same pastime that the board's Mormon dogma prohibits and labels immoral. All those listed were so included without formal notification, hearing, or appeal. And the reasons for their inclusion could be mere hearsay. Of the initial eleven placed in the Black Book, eight were Italian, and most had been implicated or convicted in the same sorts of crimes as the WASPs who were licensed:bootlegging and bookmaking.
...Over the years, 62 percent of those placed in the Black Book have been Italian, dwarfing the numbers of the runners-up, Anglo-Saxons (15 percent)...“The mere Italian sound of a man's name generated considerable suspicion.” In a candid moment, board chairman Harry Reid once said, “The reasons for their being singled out are not important as far as we're concerned.”
Does this even matter? Somehow, to me, it does. Granted, politicians are as frequently racist, ignorant, jerk-offs as the rest of us, but I dream of leaders who have higher standards then the norm. I had halfway allowed myself to respect Harry Reid, especially after recent comments like:
in May of 2005 when he said of George W. Bush, “The man's father is a wonderful human being. I think this guy is a loser.”
Oh well, throw him back on the heap. I'm done with him.
Perhaps I'm just sympathetic to profiling, having been searched so many times at airports (12 straight times at one point, though that's better now, I guess I've been taken off the list, knock on wood-like object), attacked by drunken frat boys, or whatever. I still cling to my idealism, regardless of how delusional it is. Blame the hillbilly heroin my doctor recently proscribed for back pain....
Tags: Books, /corruption, /crime