We don't subscribe to Showtime, but we would make that phone call a second or two after any announcement about Arrested Development being added to Showtime's lineup.
Television Article | Reuters.com
Showtime president of entertainment Robert Greenblatt confirmed recent reports that Showtime was in negotiations with producer 20th Century Fox Television to pick up the low-rated Fox comedy but warned that no deal has been reached.“I always thought it was a better fit for a cable network than a broadcast network,” Greenblatt said of “Arrested.” “It really does fit in with a lot of things that we're doing.”
While Greenblatt declined to get into the specifics of the negotiations, he noted that one crucial deal point hinged on the involvement of Mitch Hurwitz, creator and executive producer of “Arrested.” Hurwitz has not decided whether he wants to continue working on the show given, as Greenblatt put it, the “emotional roller coaster” the series has been during its three-year run.
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