Athenae over at First Draft has a pretty good handle on the unfunny joke that is also known Senator Barrack “One-Term” Obama. Politics in the 21st century isn't a genteel sport (if it ever was in any century), but Obama lucked out in 2004 by running against an Illinois Republican party in disarray.
First Draft - A Series of Post-Cloture Thoughts
First of all, I've been screaming about hitting them with the chair for so long, you don't need to read an open letter to Obama telling him to stop deploring the uncivil tone of politics and realize he is, in fact, a politician and should either do the job with all its indignities or, if he truly considers it beneath him, get the fuck out.
(And just between him and me, when you win the race he won in 2004, I can see where you think all it takes is statesmanship and decency to beat the GOP. What he doesn't seem to realize is that, in facing first Jack Ryan and then Alan Keyes, he wasn't running against the real GOP. He ran against the GOP's drunk uncle. He and Max Cleland should sit down and Max should explain to him what it's really like when they come after you. Maybe then he could lecture us about moral courage with some credibility. As it is, thank you for voting against cloture, Barack, and as for the rest of your career, try saying this shit behind the scenes and not to the pretty sparkly cameras, okay?)
I'd be very surprised if Obama ever lives up to his pre-election promise. Bleh.
Tags: Barrack_Obama, /Democrats
Yikes! Glad to hear someone else say it.
I just wish it wasn't true. I'd like to have 2 liberal Senators.