NBA Salaries

2005-06 NBA Team Salaries

The Chicago Bulls organization is either doing something right, or something extremely wrong: according to this list, the notoriously frugal LA Clippers have a higher payroll than the Bulls. In fact, only Atlanta, New Orleans/Oklahoma, and the expansion franchise Charlotte Bobcats have lower team salaries than Chicago. Now, nobody has ever accused me of being an expert in Salary Capology, but sounds like Reisendorf will have a few pennies available this summer or next. And that's even factoring in overpaying Tyson Chandler, and the $14 million wasted on perennial under-achiever and fugazi-wanna-be Tim Thomas - who isn't even with the team.

Tim Thomas is making $14 million this season for the Chicago Bulls. If he never makes another shot, never grabs another rebound, even if he never suits up for another game. And considering Bulls GM John Paxson essentially told him to stay away from the team and just worry about cashing checks the rest of the year, there’s a pretty good chance his season stat line will end just like this: 3 games, 4.3 points, 1.3 rebounds, 37.5% shooting.

Or not: maybe Reisendorf took Sterling's seminar - How to Avoid Ever Spending Much Money on Your Sports Franchise, Yet Remain Profitable, as advertised on late night infomercials on NBA-TV?

(thanks to Detroit Bad Boys for pointing out the salary page)

hmmm, apparently Chandler's salary wasn't included on this list, so that would bump up the Bulls salary another $5 million, or higher (reportedly 70 million over 6 years, but with part of that tied to incentives). Oh well, so much for my theory. Now the Bulls are 19th or so on the list.

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