Creative Geology

Busy day again for me, but didn't want to let this pass without note. Ed Brayton has some good stuff re the Flood and science. Apparently, the two (Biblical evidence vs. geology) don't really have a meeting of the minds, willful misreading by some Christian-Taliban types notwithstanding.

Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Those Bad Flood Geology Arguments
Over at In The Agora, in the comments on Eric's post replying to me about slavery and the Bible, a commenter named lawyerchik1 has cut and pasted a bunch of arguments for a global flood from the ICR. Like all flood geology arguments, they require serious ignorance of geology and the evidence in order to be viewed as the least bit compelling. Let's take them one by one.
Further, all the mountains of the world have been under water at some time or times in the past, as indicated by sedimentary rocks and marine fossils near their summits. Even most volcanic mountains with their pillow lavas seem largely to have been formed when under water.

I'm always amused by this argument. Yes, the rock that makes up mountains is sedimentary and many mountain ranges have sedimentary layers at or near the top that have marine fossils within them. And yes, this means that those layers were in fact deposited underwater. Does this mean they were deposited by the flood? Of course not. This is very common argument among young earthers and it needs a careful and detailed account of why it's so completely wrongheaded.

Read the rest of his compelling arguments yerself.

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