An open question to all seven of my regular readers, and your friends:
What exactly is the origin of the word, “blog”? I swear I've read a fairly detailed refutation of the 'established fact' factoid that blog is simply a shortened version of web log, but now I cannot track down this reference. At least 2 people have asked me point blank in the last couple weeks, and while I am charmingly persuasive, claiming the word blog is most certainly not a derivative of weblog, I am unable provide details. I hate not having the details.
Even the wikipedia claims blog = web + log. Grrr.
(update, thanks to the Chicago Sage, web log ≠ weblog)
Tags: Techno-babble, /words
Kottke says the issue is that blog came from "weblog" rather than "web log":
Thanks! I bow down to your search-fu. :)
I thought it was Kottke who discussed the origin, but then was unable to find the reference.