Salvia and the Drug War

Inexorable march towards criminalization of another plant begins with stories like this:

Drug WarRant
Thanks to Bill for alerting me to this NPR story tonight on Salvia Divinorum: Legal, Herbal Hallucinogenic Draws Teens, Critics

I turned on the radio while driving home and caught the beginning...At that point, I turned it off. Go ahead, listen to the rest of it, if you'd like. It appears there's actually some balance in the story based on the web page. But sometimes, I just get tired. And I can't stop the thoughts running through my head.

I suppose when the dominant religion in America fulminates against eating Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge, our increasingly non-secular government is only following the paradigm established in the Book of Genesis.

(previous coverage here)

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on March 21, 2006 9:20 AM.

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