Site problems and Salvia

Most of today my site has been non-functional, with the error

Bad ObjectDriver config: Connection error: Too many connections

precluding me from posting, editing, or configuring my site. Coincidentally, 11109 comments have been attempted, but only 1 managed to get posted today, namely someone calling me an idiot for suggesting that people smoke salvia. Not entirely sure that this commenter was the culprit, but am slightly suspicious.

I don't know Brett Chidester, RIP, but emotional response of his family notwithstanding, I cannot help but think he died for more complicated reasons than simply smoking a meditative drug. I remember being 17, and it wasn't an easy time, adjusting to impending adulthood (I moved out of my parents home when I was 17 and a half - as a stupidly optimistic physics freshman). Life is complicated, with complicated, convoluted choices to make every morning, and many young folks choose suicide instead of muddling through. Some, like our President, learn to edit out the grey, ignore the nuance, and believe in a binary world, but that is the rare exception.

Anyway, yadda yadda. Hope the script kiddies or whomever decide to focus their rage on more high profile targets, and allow my blather and solipsism to emerge full-blown from my forehead (or thigh) like Pallas Athena. Editing is for suckers.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on March 30, 2006 8:45 PM.

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