Glenn Reynolds - now more fact free than evah

Not sure why anyone even bothers to read the Instant Pudendum, but I guess someone has to waste their time. Luckily Sean at Cosmic Variance is up to the task....

...But as a Physics Blog, we feel it’s our duty here to point out the exciting scientific consequences that our more humanistical friends have thus far missed: the possibility that Prof. Reynolds has discovered a new state of wrongness. You see, wrongness is a fermionic property. That is to say, a statement is either wrong or it is not wrong; you can’t pile on the wrongness to make a condensate of wrong. By the conventional rules, n declarative statements can be wrong at most n times. By the Pauli exclusion principle, you just can’t be more wrong than that!

I count four declarative statements in Instapundit’s two sentences. (“… prices would plummet,” “dictators would be broke,” “poor nations would benefit,” “we’d be called imperialist oppressors.”) Now let’s count how many time he is wrong.

more: The wrongness singularity | Cosmic Variance

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on May 10, 2006 12:40 PM.

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