Memorial Day


Green Fairies

Memorial Day is a day of mourning, remembrance, sober reflection of the memory of honorable soldiers, killed in the line of duty to their country. On the other hand, Memorial Day is a three day weekend, which in the Big Potato at least, marks the beginning of summer, of summer festivals, and of seasonal events like fireworks at Navy Pier, the spectacular River Architecture cruise, barbecues in the park and on roof decks, and general debauchery.

In my mind at least, I'll be able to pay homage to both with these new acquisitions (per a tip via Geoff). I may or not be coherent for the next few days: read at your own peril....

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Good luck with the absinthe, I hope you "see the green fairy." All I've ever gotten (in two sessions) is really wasted

Any thoughts yet? Finished my Elixier a couple weeks ago. Had a grand time but a major headache after.

Interested in hearing about Strong 68--my second bottle is Absinthe Amer.

I don't know about you, but I've partaken of enough psychedelics that even discussing them brings an acrid taste to my mouth, and a momentary burst of color in my vision. Pavlovian, no doubt, but still real enough.

The green fairy was not as potent as I had hoped, though, taste aside, was a pleasant experience. Soft edges to the universe and so forth.

The next day, gravity was much heavier, and I was not quite human. Luckily, it was a scorching day, and didn't really have an urge to go outside or do anything at all.

I took some notes on my laptop, but they are gibberish as far as I can tell. Don't even remember going to sleep, but that was probably due to the high etoh content.

[cross posted at Geoff's ]

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on May 26, 2006 1:11 PM.

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