Mark Twain

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Don't know exactly how I landed here, but funny nonetheless:

Mark Twain - Wikipedia entry:

“Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet.”

“Suppose you were a congressman, and suppose you were an idiot. But I repeat myself.”

Letters from the Earth : Uncensored Writings (Perennial Classics)
“Letters from the Earth : Uncensored Writings (Perennial Classics)” (Mark Twain)

Gutenberg Project has plenty of open source literature including Twain to browse through

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Mark Twain is my favorite American author. I don't care if contemporary darlings call him a minor author. I can't remember the name of the contemporary darling author.
Mark Twain is one of those writers Jacques Derrida would refer to," I haven't read all my books, but some of them I have read many times." ( in film Derrida)

I've lost count of how many times I have re-read Mark Twain.

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