Jean Renoir: French Cancan

In an absinthe and hashish sort of mind, which leads to a fictional version of 19th century Paris, albeit one by noted French director Jean Renoir. Could be mid-50s technicolor dreck, as are so many musicals from this period, but we shall see, literally. The Criterion Collection usually doesn't bother restoring movies that are worthless. Plus, bonus of Edith Piaf!

Stage and Spectacle - Three Films by Jean Renoir
French Cancan

Shipped: Jean Renoir: French Cancan
Nineteenth century Paris comes vibrantly alive in director Jean Renoir's exhilarating tale of the opening of the world-renowned Moulin Rouge. Jean Gabin plays the wily impresario Danglard, who makes the can-can all the rage while juggling the love of two beautiful women -- an Egyptian belly-dancer and a naive [sic] working girl turned can-can star. This celebration of life, art and the City of Light includes a rare cameo by Edith Piaf.

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