Now, I've glossed a few paragraphs of Wittgenstein over the years, but I've never believed in the requirement of universal suffering as means to achieve love and happiness, later on. Why can't we enjoy ourselves, and live by a moral code which precludes harm to others?
Ludwig Wittgenstein “I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves.”
(p.s., I cannot find where this quote came from at the moment because I am too busy enjoying myself. Whoo hoo! 4 day vacation!!)
Now I have an idea I can express in language of what Wittgenstein is about. I heard about him in high school; then again when studying linguistics, in Brazil. To me he was some philosopher teachers or pofessors would quote to look good. Now I see him as a philosopher to quote to look good, ha-ha...
You're probably right, but then the strength of any quotation is the ability to buttress one's original point. Since I'm blogging, and not writing, I usually don't have a point. Ahem. ;)
Ah most of Wittgenstein's fascinating ideas come from Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky. (His boring stuff come from Frege and Russell LOL)