"Marriott Hotels has banned smoking from their rooms -- now Concerned Women for America is wondering when the chain is going to ban another health hazard: pay-per-view pornography"
spread em out
"4 Keep in touch with everyone you can vote for and make sure you know where they stand on the issues you care about. 5 More importantly, make sure they know where you stand on the issues you care about."
disgusting: "Torture and abuse of Iraqis in US custody from 2003-2005 was authorised and routine"
"DRM doesn’t add any value for the artist, label (who are selling DRM-free music every day — the Compact Disc), or consumer, the only people it adds value to are the technology companies who are interested in locking consumers to a particular technolo
"Press points to ticket prices and unsexy image"
"Bolten's debut on Meet the Press was a disaster. He was a quivering mass of lifeless tissues. Nothing more than a befuddled mouthpiece for the incomprehensible illogic of President Bush's White House."
"Blair wanted Britain to look big in the world. But being a satellite of Bush is making him and us look small."