links for 2006-07-27



On Hillary:

It is funny I happened to write a humorous piece on Hillary and the Kamasutra. To me what matters is that the Dems win. I am not stating Hillary is my candidate for president in 08. I have no idea who that will be. I cannot see any Dem who'd be presidential without being bombarded by the Elephants and shredded to pieces before the first Tuesday in November, 2008.

I also beg to differ on Barak Obama. The party needs to appeal to all voters it can grab. Lula ran four times for president in Brazil. When he finally mellowed his voice and his beard turned grey, he was elected. I am not crazy about Lula. However, we know it's not the president, really, it's the cabinet.

Somewhere I read that a sculpture is about to unveil a hyper-sexualized portrait of Hillary. I'll see if I can find a picture.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on July 27, 2006 2:25 AM.

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