“ I once attended a Nets game with an big loud throng of children from all sides of the Israel-Palestine conflict....They all told the same thing: they had been raised to fear and loathe each other. They had learned that some of the ”other“ people were no
”First: It is wrong to corral out a group of people on the basis of some attribute, such as religion, and then blame them collectively for something. For instance, it would be just as wrong to say that Muslims are responsible for all the terrorism in the
“Hizbullah is a mass expression of subnationalism that has the loyalty of some 1.3 million highly connected and politically mobilized peasants and slum dwellers. Over a relatively compact area. I take sub-nationalism as a concept from Anthony D. Smith.
divorce sucks
”The sound of the blast was unearthly, and the tremor was felt 100 miles away in Philadelphia. The night sky over New York Harbor turned orange. People were jolted from bed and windows within 25 miles shattered.“
” I found some widgets that were useful to me“
”'I had a telephone call from Bob Dylan and from Yusuf Islam in a two-week period and it gave me the confidence to follow what my heart was telling me, which was just to get out. I don't know why they rang, it happened out of the blue. I'd like to keep th
“ But Dylan had to stop using drugs—if not heroin, then amphetamines—at some point, and this was a logical time. Post-accident photographs of Dylan show him fleshed out, not the wraith of 1965-66.”