“I heard the flight attendant telling her counterpart that the woman had been talking to her sister whose baby is due tomorrow. The baby’s father was caught in the detonation of an IED outside of Baghdad and has been Medevac-ed to Germany with burns ov
”new content to Adobe Design Center.“
”In an effort to make its state a magnet for research, the University of Texas is planning a $2.5 billion program to expand research and teaching in the sciences.“
”There’s something about the mangosteen, amplified by its longtime unavailability, that has driven its devotees to obsession and hyperbole.“
in other words, a fiendish Microsoft plot
”how do rock bands survive touring? Dave Simpson hears their tales of drugs, gangs and missed buses.“
”newest episode of “30 Days”, the episode where an atheist from Lawrence, KS moves in with a Christian family from Frisco, TX. I'm excited for this one, because the atheist seems very comfortable defending her decision to not believe in God.“
”Elijah is a Johnny Cash fan. I know that sounds pretentious, but it's true. He's rejected a lot of other music I've played for him, but The Man In Black can do no wrong.“
oh, and might as well add this here
Del.ico.us randomizer - like the ole' internet days