"A top insider let that slip when explaining why President Bush is paranoid around women, women, always worried about his behavior. But he’s still a funny, earthy guy who, for example, can’t get enough of fart jokes. He’s also known to cut a few for
"RIAA's litigation was actually turning a profit: that is, the RIAA's network of sleazy bounty-hunters, boiler-room intimidators, and software-generated legal threats were costing less to run than they were bringing in through the persecution of American
"News is what people want to keep hidden; everything else is publicity. -Bill Moyers"
"When the Pixies reformed, they invited a film crew to join them for the ride. Frank Black talks to Xan Brooks about the train-wreck of a tour that followed."
U.S. Baptist preacher has publicly defended himself for firing a female Sunday School teacher after more than 50 years on the job because he believes the Bible bans women from teaching men.
"even more depressing is the fact the eavesdropping story was just one of several legitimate news stories during the closing weeks of the 2004 campaign that were ignored by mainstream press outlets; stories that would have clearly hurt the Bush campaign.
"Mark Cuban had already set the parade route. It was in the paper and Pat just put it on the board and said, "Take the day off. Take tomorrow off and I'll see you for the game." And we didn't practice for two days. A lot of people don't know that. We didn
"In the old days, people carved nickels to pass the time. Some people still carve nickels today."
I despise job interviews. I've been asked most of these questions at one time or another, and sometimes my golden tongue fails me.
whoo hoo
fucking with the poor souls who work in telemarketing
smirk: "I have been testing Microsoft operating systems since Windows 95, and this is the buggiest OS I've seen this late in development," says Joe Wilco"