"Tinsley Mortimer has put herself in the public eye. She obviously enjoys being seen and photographed. If she doesn't enjoy the negative publicity then she should remove herself from the public eye"
"Net Income / Capital Cost = Capitalization Rate"
I want one! "D80 takes the D70 to the next level with a smaller body which doesn't compromise on comfort or ergonomics, a wide ranging feature set and range of customization options, fast performance and above all great image quality"
"In case you find the batteries dead, and the programming lost, Sony’s instructions for configuring the RM-V60 multifunction remote control are online."
""Deadwood" was even worse in the light, but "Double Indemnity" was better than ever."
"While there are many, many note-taking programs for Mac OS X, Notational Velocity is the only one that actually operates in a useful manner"
Fuck the RIAA "Lindor's attorneys argued that the RIAA cannot prove that it made perfect digital copies of the songs if it doesn't have the song files."
"The last time they were in charge we got the Patriot Act, the Iraq War resolution, and the Medicare drug bill." Sorry guys, but it's true. From the Summer of 2001 until the end of 2002, the Democratic Party was in charge of the Senate. They controlled th
"According to U.S. Surgeon General C. Everette Koop (on national television, 1990) radioactivity, not tar,accounts for at least 90% of all smoking related lung cancer."
This is just depressing. Look at the: dates, samples sizes, and data. I'm sure all of the ppm numbers are much higher...