A logo for the godless

Once we settle upon a logo for the freethinkers, I'll add it to this site's header, or somewhere prominent.

A logo for the godless: an impossible assignment? Norwegianity has put out a request to design an appropriate logo for all of us godless heathen bloggers. There's a certain religious deathcult that uses an instrument of torture as its immediately recognizable logo—it's very simple, clean, easy to draw, and they've made it their own. You see one of those things on a website or on a necklace and you instantly know to a very rough approximation the predilections of the owner. Why can't we have something like that?

plenty of possibles have been suggested. Check 'em out.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on October 29, 2006 6:25 PM.

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