There is a green god, but her name cannot be mentioned over the internet tubes for fear of the DEA.
Ummm, yeah, happy to hear that President Bill Moyers has a new show on.
Fundamental Views of Global Warming | CorrenteWire In a segment of Moyers on America, Bill Moyers takes a look at evangelicals who differ from The Party Line on the subject of global warming in a series titled Is God Green?: A new holy war is growing within the conservative evangelical community, with implications for both the global environment and American politics. For years liberal Christians and others have made protection of the environment a moral commitment. Now a number of conservative evangelicals are joining the fight, arguing that man’s stewardship of the planet is a biblical imperative and calling for action to stop global warming.
just added a season pass to my TiVo.
Tags: environment, /religion, /television
Hmmm. I was just pondering a session with the Leaves of the Shepherdess.