Passionate Play

I'm in no way religious, but D was raised Jewish Orthodox, so today (יום כיפור) turned out to be a day of contemplation, with some sneaking of inebrients along the way. Don't tell Yahweh (יהוה), he tends to get pissed off easily.

Here's yesterday's fun....

Kitten Transgression
A passionate play, in three brief acts.

Act 1: the Transgression

New kitten, Pippin, wants to meet and greet The Pope (Tampopo) who is the undisputed Queen of the Loft since her older sister, Cleo, passed away last August.

Kitten Transgression - Act 2: the Whuppin
Act 2: the Whuppin

which lasts several seconds, longer if you are Pippin. Unfortunately, my Nikon was downstairs, so only have one photo of the Whuppin'. If you wish to add sound effects, The Pope is uttering a low, murmuring growl, punctuated by several hisses (like a high hat, for accent).

Kitten Transgression Act 3: The Aftermath
Act 3: the Aftermath

Pippin retreats to his cat grass, Tampopo practically smirks with her victory. No blood, no foul, right?

a quickr pickr post

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on October 2, 2006 7:12 PM.

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