Revisionist history

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Couldn't let Jill Zuckerman's assertion pass unremarked.

House GOP's party over? | Chicago Tribune After 50 years in the wilderness, Republicans swept to power in 1994 with big ideas about reining in big government, a revolutionary zeal and a moral compass that Democrats seemed to have lost. With the charismatic Newt Gingrich at the helm, they moved swiftly to impose their view of the world on Congress and the country with lower taxes, less spending, restrictions on abortion and other conservative priorities

Less spending? In what alternative universe? Moral compass? Yes, all these Republican scandals of corruption, sexual exploitation, and illegal wars really point to a moral compass, a sleaze compass that is. I suppose marketing is more important than fact.

The article continues, making this valid point:

This year, Republicans have borne the brunt of what seem to be never-ending scandals involving too-close relationships with lobbyists amid a constant quest for money.

Four members of the House, including Foley, have resigned under ethics clouds. Former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-Calif.) has gone to prison for taking bribes. Former Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) pleaded guilty to corruption and bribery charges and also will go to prison. One-time House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) is under indictment in Texas for alleged campaign finance violations, and he faces investigation in Washington for his relationship with Jack Abramoff, the Republican lobbyist whose dealings have tainted many in the GOP.

Norman Ornstein, an expert on Congress at the American Enterprise Institute, said the Foley episode may be the tipping point that fuels voters' discontent.

“People in charge are not grappling seriously with the issues that matter to us and, to top it off, they are out of touch, imperious and corrupt,” said Ornstein, co-author of “The Broken Branch: How Congress is Failing America.” “There is a level of arrogance and a sense that they were immune to any public reaction.”

When they took control of the House, Republican leaders exercised power with a ruthless effectiveness the likes of which had not been seen since 1911, when Rep. Joe Cannon (R-Ill.) was speaker. They shut out the minority Democrats, handpicked committee chairmen, oversaw the writing of legislation and refused to allow bills to go to the floor unless they had the support of a majority of House Republicans.

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I say nothing. I shall wait for what the ballot boxes will show in November. I feel disgusted, but that is nothing new. I've been disgusted since November 99.
However, the numbers and facts are staggering. Maybe they indicate how naïve US citizens are.

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