Rigged USA election testimony

Computer Programmer testifies that Tom Feeney (Speaker of the Houe of Florida at the time, currently US Representative) tried to pay him to rig election vote counts.

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via BoingBoing

Here's video of Clint Curtis, a former programmer for Yang Enterprises (YEI) in Florida, testifying under oath that Representative Tom Feeney asked him to write a voting machine program to rig elections. Feeney is Republican Congressman who was the Speaker of the House of Florida at the time, as well as a lobbyist for Yang Enterprises, and Yang Enterprises' corporate attorney. (Feeney was also named one of the “20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress” by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington).

In the video, Curtis testifies that Feeney asked him to write a program for touchscreen voting machines that could undetectably “flip the vote 51-49 to whoever you wanted

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