Lane Hudson

Lane Hudson probably has had several threatening phone calls from Republican Brownshirt types.

The State | 11/12/2006 | How S.C. native put Foley on hot seat : South Carolina native Lane Hudson had no idea he would bring down a congressman when he sat down in his living room and turned on his laptop on a Sunday morning nearly seven weeks ago.

The 29-year-old gay former Democratic congressional aide had been railing for weeks on his anonymous blog against congressmen who prey sexually on young people. That day in late September, he decided to post a series of suggestive e-mails between U.S. Rep. Mark Foley and a former page.

Though by one analysis I browsed, 71 percent of evangelicals still voted Republican, down from 78%, so not sure if the Foley hypocrisy directly affected them, or if it had an effect in the abstract on so-called swing(er) voters.

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