Richard Linklater - Haymarket Riot

Yowsa! I've got to call in some chips from my Austex connections, and get a consultant job for the Haymarket Riot film. I'd love to work on it in some capacity. The LBJ movie might be interesting too: I did my senior paper on LBJ and the Rise of the Surveillance State (working with original documents at the LBJ library). But the Haymarket movie needs to be made.

Exclusive: Filmmaker Richard Linklater - : ... [Interviewer] I would think that being from Austin, Texas would lend itself to an interesting movie, that being a very liberal city in the middle of a conservative state.

Linklater: Yeah, Texas politics itself is very fascinating. I'd love to do a film about LBJ's early days. There's some cases when he was Senator where he was extremely political, just to show a really crafty politician who really cares about the people. You can take a moment in time politically. I'd like to make a film about the Haymarket Riot, a political action moment in our country's history. You just basically execute a bunch of people because you don't like what they believe even if they didn't do anything wrong.

I'd even be happy to sell a few photos of the memorial to Mr. Linklater...

such as from here, or Haymarket Riot memorial, or here, or this fave of the old memorial, yadda yadda.

History of the Riot in engravings

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