Yowsa! I've got to call in some chips from my Austex connections, and get a consultant job for the Haymarket Riot film. I'd love to work on it in some capacity. The LBJ movie might be interesting too: I did my senior paper on LBJ and the Rise of the Surveillance State (working with original documents at the LBJ library). But the Haymarket movie needs to be made.
Exclusive: Filmmaker Richard Linklater - ComingSoon.net : ... [Interviewer] I would think that being from Austin, Texas would lend itself to an interesting movie, that being a very liberal city in the middle of a conservative state.Linklater: Yeah, Texas politics itself is very fascinating. I'd love to do a film about LBJ's early days. There's some cases when he was Senator where he was extremely political, just to show a really crafty politician who really cares about the people. You can take a moment in time politically. I'd like to make a film about the Haymarket Riot, a political action moment in our country's history. You just basically execute a bunch of people because you don't like what they believe even if they didn't do anything wrong.
I'd even be happy to sell a few photos of the memorial to Mr. Linklater...
such as from here, or Haymarket Riot memorial, or here, or this fave of the old memorial, yadda yadda.