Scanning yer library


LibraryThing is a cool book-centric social networking site. However, adding your books to your online profile (mine here, fwiw) does consume one's free time. I've used a webcam (included on recent Macs) to scan bar codes, but found it easier just to type in manually. However, a dedicated USB scanner would probably make entry even easier.

LibraryThing: LibraryThing does CueCats! (we're even selling them) : ... technically they're supposed to be called ":CueCats." I find the colon an offense against the English Language, and the company that made them went out of business, so I'm gonna leave it off.
We actually have 2 of these devices somewhere in our office (unless I pitched 'em for space reasons - they might have been the earlier PS/2 versions that only work on Windows computers) as we were in discussions to place advertising for the company that distributed the things. They literally blew hundreds of millions of dollars in a short time, unfortunately, we didn't get any of it.


I have a hacked CueCat which outputs normal ASCII text for the barcode rather than the encoded text regular CueCats use. I use my built-in iSight with Delicious Library, though.

I haven't used Delicious Library with my MacBookPro - only with an external iSight, and it didn't always go smoothly. Easier to drag an Amazon URL to the Delicious Library.

I must have thrown out the :CueCats I had, cannot find either of them.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by swanksalot published on November 17, 2006 9:14 AM.

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