Drivers and Peds

Possibly welcome news, depending upon zealousness. Perhaps because I lived in Ontario, I've always been surprised at the aggressiveness of Chicago drivers towards pedestrians. Maybe Lake Shore Drive will get a couple more pedestrian bridges?

Arrogant drivers best look both ways | Chicago Tribune Starting in the spring, city officials posing as pedestrians will be sent to high-accident intersections as part of a new crackdown on motorists who endanger walkers.

However, this assertion is just stupid:

On average more than one pedestrian is killed in a traffic accident each week in Chicago. Accidents involving pedestrians in the city have dropped from 4,478 incidents in 2000 to 3,632 in 2004, the most recent year for which data are available from the Illinois Department of Transportation. But some experts say the drop could partly be a sign that fewer people are walking city streets out of fear of getting hit.

I'd like to meet this so-called 'expert', because he sounds like a moron. If people refrain from walking for fear of being hit, they have psychological problems.


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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on December 18, 2006 9:10 AM.

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