
Read this last night in the dead ent edition, and had to laugh. No way 9 hours of sleep is possible if one's household contains pets, especially of the kitten kind.

Chinese Herbalist

Enhance-athon: Be Smarter Everyone wants a better body, a sharper mind, or both. But how? To find the answer, Wired sent writers on three different challenges: For one month, do everything possible (and legal) to run faster, get smarter, or shoot straighter. And keep a diary. In this installment, Joshua Green tries to boost his brain function.

THERE COMES A TIME IN EVERYONE'S life – usually past age 30 and just after you've done something boneheaded like pour coffee on your cereal – when the thought hits you: “I wish I were smarter.” But is real cognitive improvement possible? Experts say yes; intuition suggests no. I was eager to put my own brain to the test.

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