Any way this is spun, still a fiasco for Gov Rell and her administration. If political speech is really so harmful to a politician, perhaps a new career might be rewarding. Police Printed Flier Warning Of Activist Hours before the controversial arrest of political blogger Kenneth Krayeske at Gov. M. Jodi Rell's Jan. 3 inaugural parade, state police distributed copies of a full-color, two-page document describing Krayeske as an activist who had invited people to join him in a protest outside Rell's inaugural ball that night.
The document, containing color prints of Krayeske's current and past driver's license photos, made it seem as if “Ken Krayeske was public enemy No. 1,” said Rep. Michael P. Lawlor, a state legislative leader whose committee now plans to investigate.
Although the slightly built Krayeske had engaged only in nonviolent protest and activism, he was “lumped in with people who were actual physical threats” - and that is why the General Assembly must consider passing new laws this year to curb police excesses in a post-9/11 era of intensified security, said Lawlor, a Democrat and co-chairman of the legislative judiciary committee.
The security flier, Lawlor said, apparently led to an “overreaction” by Hartford police, who received the document at a pre-parade security briefing for police. Recognizing Krayeske from the photos, a Hartford officer arrested him at 1:20 p.m. as he photographed Rell along the parade route, said Lawlor, who was shown the flier by a police official.
Both the state and Hartford police have refused requests by The Courant to see the two-page Krayeske profile and other documents concerning individuals identified as potential threats.
I wonder why?
Tags: Free_Press, /free_speech