Template changes


yes, am changing the frack out of my site. I have some annoying bug in either my index template and/or my CSS file, and finally gave up trying to fix it. Starting from scratch. Please don't mind the mess.

I am not happy with this particular layout, needed somewhere to start. Whenever I make the main body box slightly larger, then the right column merges with the main body. Bleh.



Up workin' at 'round three or four in the morning, were you? I though I saw your ping at about that time. It's been crazy.

I don't honestly know: after a while it all blends in together. I probably was watching movies at 3, but maybe not.

I like the new look.

Thanks. Still have a few tweaks to go, but after a while, code starts making you cross-eyed.

I liked the fact the blog took up the whole screen. On the other hand, this lay out is agreeable, can I say the color of the margins is similar to those in the Anarchic Universe? I got so sick all of a sudden, some weird hay fever. Who knows?

I liked that too: I feel this layout is entirely too narrow. Color is pretty common too, but neutrality is ok. A reader shouldn't really pay much attention to the layout, right? I tried some other color combos, and I'm not done yet, but everything so far was too garish, too demanding of attention.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on February 24, 2007 1:37 PM.

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