AdBlock disables YouTube/flash files. Here's how to get around it.
surprisingly, I'm not on this list. Don't they know who I am???? !!!!!
iPod battery discussion.
the hackenblog moves to WordPress
Things that almost make one cry. And the idiots in Congress hem, haw and extend the 'war' until 2008, or later
I wonder if this happened to me recently in re iTunes 7.1.1? Ended up reinstalling OS 10.4.7 with combo update, and reinstalling iTunes, also deleted a bunch of cache files and preferences before everything ran normally. Could have just been a bug in iTunes 7.1.
as so many have noted, there is now a slight delay hitting the eject button (and related commands, like rebooting, etc.). Use option key to speed up the eject process
Speaking of Bush donors, don't forget Jeffrey Skilling was sentenced to 24 years hard time. Too short a sentence, really.
poor, poor AT&T, always caught with their hand in the anti-consumer cookie jar
according to this, I ingest between 410-600 mg of caffeine a day. I wonder if that's a lot? Not that I'm about to change.