I'm not really sure what Friedman is even talking about here. How about instead we have a surge of columnists who urge the world to chant, War is Over if you want it? Bombing villages, mosques and neighborhoods kill lots of innocents too. Cruise missiles anyone? I don't know, maybe I just need more coffee. Read the column yourself.
Thomas L Friedman: The Silence That Kills
No surge can work in Iraq unless we have a “moral surge,” a counternihilism strategy that delegitimizes suicide bombers.
Technorati Tags: Afghanistan, Friedman, idiot, Iraq
On Feb. 20, The A.P. reported from Afghanistan that a suicide attacker disguised as a health worker blew himself up near “a crowd of about 150 people who had gathered for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to open an emergency ward at the main government hospital in the city of Khost.” A few days later, at a Baghdad college, a female Sunni suicide bomber blew herself up amid students who were ready to sit for exams, killing 40 people.
Stop and think for a moment how sick this is. Then stop for another moment and listen to the silence. The Bush team is mute. It says nothing, because it has no moral authority. No one would listen. Mr. Bush is losing a P.R. war to people who blow up emergency wards. Europeans are mute, lost in their delusion that this is all George Bush’s and Tony Blair’s fault. ...
Occasionally an honest voice rises, giving you a glimmer of hope that others will stand up. The MEMRI translation Web site (memri.org) just posted a poem called “When,” from a Saudi author, Wajeha al-Huwaider, that was posted on Arab reform sites like www.aafaq.org.
When you cannot find a single garden in your city, but there is a mosque on every corner — you know that you are in an Arab country.
When you see people living in the past with all the trappings of modernity — do not be surprised, you are in an Arab country.
When religion has control over science — you can be sure that you are in an Arab country.
When clerics are referred to as “scholars” — don’t be astonished, you are in an Arab country.
When you see the ruler transformed into a demigod who never dies or relinquishes his power, and nobody is permitted to criticize — do not be too upset, you are in an Arab country.
When you find that the large majority of people oppose freedom and find joy in slavery — do not be too distressed, you are in an Arab country.
When you hear the clerics saying that democracy is heresy, but seizing every opportunity provided by democracy to grab high positions — do not be surprised, you are in an Arab country. ...
When you discover that a woman is worth half of what a man is worth, or less — do not be surprised, you are in an Arab country. ...
When land is more important than human beings — you are in an Arab country. ...
When fear constantly lives in the eyes of the people — you can be certain you are in an Arab country.“
unfortunately, one could say the same about America, with a few changes. Like
- When religion has control over science - you can be sure you are in Bush's America.
- When clerics are referred to as 'scholars' and appear on CNN - don't be astonished, you are in Bush's America.
- When you cannot find a single park in your city, but there is a Starbucks on every corner, you know that your ass is in Bush's America.
- When you discover that a woman is worth about 3/4 of what a man is worth, or less, do not be surprised, you are in Bush's America.
- When you see the President transformed into a tin-horn dictator who ignores Constitutional law and tradition, and nobody is permitted to criticize - do not be too upset, you are in Bush's America.
etc, etc. You can do the rest. I'm not sure why Friedman used his valuable op-ed space for this diatribe, maybe he knew the author and was trying to get a little nookie?
French roast directly from Costa Rica, perhaps? It's too early for a more thorough look at the economy, I'll stick to idiots.
The photo of mostly singles reminds me of my piggy bank.
you need to go to the starbucks by the park nearby, have a triple espresso, and reread. i've commented on the Friedman piece, with some not so complimentary remarks about your self-indulgent moral equivalence. take a real red pill sometime and use your intelligence in ways that will help.
B12 says, 'I'm not really sure what Friedman is even talking about here.'
Hmmm ... that comment certainly seems to reveal the esssence of the problem, doesn't it?