Hillary Rodham Poured Her Heart Out

I don't begrudge John Peavoy saving letters from his high school friend, Hillary Rodham né Clinton, however, plastering them on the front page of the Sunday New York Times feels a little exploitative on the part of the NYT editors. As I was telling a long-lost, college-era friend*, I wouldn't want the writings of my 19 year old self to be circulated across the nation, to be pored over with morning coffee and bagels, or pitchers of Bloody Marys, or whatever. And unfortunately, none of the male candidates of either party wrote letters interesting enough to save, so only HRC gets the treatment.
words Seattle Public Library

In the ’60s, a Future Candidate Poured Her Heart Out in Letters:
Letters written by Hillary Rodham provide a rare unfiltered look into the head of a future first lady and would-be president.
They were high school friends from Park Ridge, Ill., both high achievers headed East to college. John Peavoy was a bookish film buff bound for Princeton, Hillary Rodham a driven, civic-minded Republican going off to Wellesley. They were not especially close, but they found each other smart and interesting and said they would try to keep in touch.

Which they did, prodigiously, exchanging dozens of letters between the late summer of 1965 and the spring of 1969. Ms. Rodham’s 30 dispatches are by turns angst-ridden and prosaic, glib and brooding, anguished and ebullient — a rare unfiltered look into the head and heart of a future first lady and senator and would-be president. Their private expressiveness stands in sharp contrast to the ever-disciplined political persona she presents to the public now.

Yeah? What a surprise....


*Ms. Dolmanet, who found me via my webzine - nobody should claim blogs aren't worth the ink they are printed on. In fact, everyone should have a blog of one's own!

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