Still have not beaten MT 4.0 into submission: today noticed that the CAPTCHA plugin re-activated itself (via voodoo), so comments were stymied again.
The individual archive (so-called permalink) setting was flummoxed again, and instead of linking to an individual blog entry, erroneously led to a non-existent weekly archive, which if you click leads to an error message. How the fuck did that happen? Who knows. I'm not sure why this is even a setting, nor how to fix it. I made an attempt, but rebuilding the entire blog (over 4,000 entries, plus daily and weekly archives) takes about 5 hours from start to finish, an irritatingly long interval. Yesterday I finally noticed the individual archive mapping used dashes
(such as
instead of underscore
so all of my google/yahoo/icerocket linkage was broken (or actually, leading to pages that were using an old template and not being updated). Such a minor tweak, yet to fix took several hours of watching this window:
Bleh. Not to mention, a few times since last Friday, my web-host disabled my cgi-bin script because it 'used too many resources'. Yeah, no doubt. If SixApart had gotten their act together before releasing MT 4.0 out of beta, perhaps the cgi-script wouldn't be over-taxed!
Oh, since I'm kvetching, I also noticed a typo on the default “Main index” template, a “;” used instead of a “>”
Too bad, I'm getting all sorts of web traffic from Sphere (originating at the WSJ mostly, but also CNN, and elsewhere) about the Hsu matter (or really should be Damn underscores!
update still working on this. Utter crap.
(email me if you have a solution, I might just take a nap, have a beer, and start over tomorrow.)
Technorati Tags: kvetch, Movable_Type, MT, Web_design