Labor Day is related to the Haymarket Riot Memorial, especially if one squints a bit. Which reminds me, Richard Linklater is supposedly working on a film about the riot - I hope they film in Chicago and not in some sound stage in South Austin.
anyway, we plan on slacking ‘till Tuesday mostly, also discovered the Movable Type bug that was driving me crazy (underscore vs. dash - and links to pages that don’t exist). Fix forthcoming, hopefully.
Haymarket Riot memorial, old version.
(old) Haymarket memorial. Now removed.
If you want a copy of this photo, there is one available at cafepress
New statue here
We Are workers not criminals
some signs at the immigration rally
Haymarket Riot memorial
Community Watch Area Trust, Respect, and Communication are essential to healthy community; Protect your friends and neighbors from uniformed gang members and other suspicious characters. Police Not Welcome
Haymarket Touchup
prep work for the May Day rally at the Haymarket Riot memorial site
click photos to embiggen
More images below, at least theoretically.